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The Representation
May 10 ,2001
To Whom It May Concern

The National Network of Lawyers            
Against the Spiritual Sales (Japan)           
Secretary General HIROSHI YAMAGUCHI Attorney at Law
5th Floor Cosmo-shinjukugyoen Bldg     
1-1-7 Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japan   
TEL 3-3341-3133 FAX 3-3355-0445    

This is to remind you that the Unification Church has been recently in touch with some VIPs of the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau.
In April,2000,the church invited the President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Japan and Korea.
In November,2000,a 40-day workshop for the leaders from the Pacific-basin countries was held in Kona,Hawaii.
In the Republic of Palau, hiding their identities, the church members have been trying to get involved in the activities of NGOs such as World Service Corps. They are even planning to migrate to the countries in the Pacific for the purpose of establishing the Church Headquarters.
The founder of the Church, Rev.Sun Myung came up with the idea of purchasing a large expanse of wetland in Brazil, where he was planning to establish an "earthly paradise" by 2000. A great deal of money was invested and a large number of Japanese members were mobilized just for the project.
This venture has never been realized and the environment was disrupted pretty badly after all. The Church uses money to get to the powerful political figures of developing nations like North Korea. The money has been collected mainly in Japan through illegal activities by the church members. Many courts judged that the activities of collecting money committed by followers of the Unification Church are illegal. Moreover, in February 2001, the Supreme Court has given a judgement that the U.C's method of recruiting members is illegal(see Appendix B). Over the 14 years since 1987, more than 20,000 people have claimed sums totalling 800 million dollars. The Church has initiated numerous organizations established by members(see Appendix A).
However, they completely deny any affiliation with the Unification Church. Rev. Moon talks about the value of "True Love" and "True Family". And he claims that he is here to fulfill the Divine mission that Jesus Christ couldn't accomplish. But that's not exactly what he wants. His ambition is to take over the whole world in his hands utilizing the power of money teaching.
Therfore, we would wholeheartedly request you to pay attention to the activities of members of the Unification Church and its front organizations in your country or region.

Sincerely yours,

Attorney at Law

(Appendix A )

Front Groups of the Unification Church

IIFWP---Inter religious and International Federation for World Peace
WANGO--- World Association of NGOs
FFWPU--- Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
WTF --- The Washington Times Foundation
ICUS --- International Conference on the Unity of the Science
WUF --- World University Federation
IRFWP --- Inter-religious Federation for World Peace
WMA --- World Media Association
WCARP --- World Collegiate Association for the Research of the Principle
YFWP --- Youth Federation for World Peace
PWPA --- Professors World Peace Academy
MAWP --- Martial Arts Federation for Peace

(Appendix B )
Judgements handled down by court in Japan

1.  Judgement by the Fukuoka District Court :27 May 1994
Sustained by the Fukuoka High Court :19 February 1996
Finalized by the Supreme Court :18 September 1997

     The Fukuoka District Court ruled that the Unification Church is legally liable for the unlawful acts for the procurement of monetary donations perpetrated against the plaintiffs (two widows).
     The Unification Church was ordered to pay the plaintiffs the sum of 400,000 dollars.

2.  Jugement by the Tokyo District Court :24 October 1997
Sustained by the Tokyo High Court :22 September 1998
Finalized by the Supreme Court :11 March 1999

     The Tokyo District Court ruled that the Unification Church is legally liable for the unlawful acts for the procurement of monetary donations perpetrated against the plaintiff ( a woman ).
     The Unification Church was ordered to pay the plaintiff the sum of 270,000 dollars.

3.  Jugement by the Nara District Court :16 April 1997
Sustained by the Nara High Court :29 June 1999
Finalized by the Supreme Court :21 January 2000

     The Nara District Court ruled that the Unification Church is legally liable for the unlawful acts for the procurement of monetary donations perpetrated against the plaintiffs ( two women ).
     The Unification Church was ordered to pay the plaintiffs the sum of 90,000 dollars.
     The NaraDistrict Court recognized the Unification Church has been perpetrating unlawful acts as a religious corporate body.

4.  Judgement by the Takamatsu District Court :3 December 1996

     The Church was ordered to pay the plaintiff the sum of 85,000 dollars.

5.  Judgment by the Sendai District Court : 23 March 1999
Sustained by the Sendai High Court : 16 January 2001

     The Sendai District court ruled that the Unification Church is legally liable for the illegal practice of selling "ginseng extract" perpeetrated against the plaintiffs ( three women ).
     The Church was ordered to pay the plaintiffs the sum of 80,000 dollars.

6.  Judgement by the Fukuoka District Court : 16 December 1999
Sustained by the Fukuoka High Court : 29 March 2001

     The Fukuoka District Court Ruled that the Unification Church and its business front company "Happy World" are legally liable for the illegal practice of selling such items as, marble towers, Buddha statues and ginseng extract perpetrated against the plaintiffs ( two women ).
     The Unification Church was ordered to pay the plaintiffs the sum of 550,000 dollars.

7.  Judgement by the Tokyo District Court : 24 April 2000
Sustained by the Supreme Court : 30 October 2000

     The Tokyo District Court Ruled that the Unification Church is legally liable for the illegal practice of selling such items as a Buddha statue, a marble tower and ginseng extract at exorbitant prices ( 1 million dollars).

8.  Judgement by the Hiroshima High Court : 14 September 2000
Finalized by the Supreme Court : 2 February 2001

     The Hiroshima High Court ruled that a former believer of the Unification Church and the Unification Church are legally liable for the illegal practice of recruiting the plaintiff through video center.
     The former believer and the Unification Church were ordered to pay the plaintiff the sum of 9,500 dollars.

9.  Judgement by the Fukuoka District Court : 7 October 1993
Sustained by the Fukuoka High Court : 31 October 1995
Finalized by the Supreme Court : 25 April 1996

     On April 1996, The Supreme Court ruled and did not recognize as valid the marriage of a Japanese man and woman who had participated in the communal wedding ceremony and had registered their marriage in Japan, where in the Japanese woman has cases have been filed so far.

In May 1987, about 300 lawyers united and established Network of Lawyers Against the Spiritual Sales. The network seeks to eradicate spiritual sales and to help those persons who have suffered damages as result of spiritual sales.
( Please access our website, written in English